Living life, one mile at a time!

Month: March 2019

Road Trip!

Yes, another road trip to Nova Scotia. This time by car with the final destination being Acadia University. My driver this time was Daphne (Momma Duck).  Well, every time the two of us take a road trip we manage to find the worst weather imaginable! Freezing rain! Ugg!

We made it as far as Woodstock, NB Best Western where they know us now!! Anyway, we talked about Irving Big stops earlier and Murrays Restaurant at the Irving Big stop in Woodstock was no exception. Man, they make great roast beef dinners. And the Fries! A mountain of Fries! Well we are in the French Fry Capital of the world after all, you got to love those McCains!!

Now, before we actually hit Wolfville, NS we stopped for a very good home cooked dinner at Jo’s Mom & Dad’s, aka “Momma Bears”. This one was free!  Did some shopping at the Glooscap trading post for baby moccasins – looking for local native hand-crafted moccasins only to find out they were made in the Dominican Republic!  Oh well, we did try to support local!

Weather is an interesting beast. Driving through Quebec and New Brunswick all you could see is SNOW!!!  But when we hit Wolfville it was warm and a sense of Spring was in the air!  +15-degree weather!!!!  We actually sat out on the deck and had a drink, went for a walk on the trail and found a great Greek Restaurant called TROY. We tried their pita and fresh made hummus,  Lamb Burger and Lamb Shish Platter and Chicken Kabobs. Jo’s only disappointment was the lamb burger. But having supper with the kids was the definitely highlight of the day!!

Coffee Break

Now, being retired, the words coffee break have a different meaning than when you were in the 9-5 rat race. It allows us the opportunity to adventure and check out unique places like the Café Cristal. A place where you can go to relax …not just refuel. When you Google this it says “The Counter-serve spot with Whimsical décor providing tea and coffee along with crepes & pastries”.

Who could resist “Whimsical Décor!” and pastries too?   So first up the décor, I loved it!  Not sure, but it gave me a mix of vibes.  The crystal chandeliers and fine bone china tea pots and cups made you feel like a taste of Britain at High Tea. The antique style mirrors, light scones, crystal oil lamps, and the crystal clock on the mantel gave you a romantic era feeling.  The ordering counter with the crepe pans and that glass pastry cupboard filled with beautiful pastries and rainbow covered macaroons definitely made you feel like you were in a Paris Café.

We indulged in a ham and cheese crepe and of course a brownie!  I would definitely recommend this little gem located in a Barrhaven office building. Don’t let the outside dissuade you from visiting as it was definitely a treasure inside.

Ottawa Home Show

Let’s get this show on the road. For people looking for a new place to live and of course trying hard to procrastinate from packing, we thought “why not check out the Ottawa Home show?”.  Now, one thing for sure is that one can have fun everywhere they go – it is just how you approach it.  We got free tickets from our awesome real estate agent, Monica Haddow, and we went along with our friends, Daphne and Trent.

Spring was in the air with the gardens, the tulips & the green shrubs. Oh man, it felt good to see some color other than white (snow)! We checked out house plans, floor plans, beds, gutters, garlic and ginger presses, veggie peelers, home made pepperoni, candied apples, walked the foot assessment plate for orthotics and much more. We even checked out air-conditioners; you know for when that next season eventually comes around. It was fun to feel like spring was in the air!

We decide to end our day and Wet our whistle with a stop at the Perth Brewery stand – “Wet your Thistle!”  for a cold beer. A “Last Duel Lager” and an “Oh Canada Maple Ale”. Did you notice that all of our adventures end up finding a craft brewery?!

How does it get better than this?

Keep Calm and Carry On!

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
we must carry it with us or we will find it not.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A tiny hint of spring was in the air the river was starting to thaw- there is hope that the Winter will soon be over!  I found this was such a beautiful site!

OK; still on the hunt for a possible place to live – I headed back to Kemptville, Ontario. Maybe I would have better luck looking in Kemptville, Nova Scotia!

Actually, we headed south of Ottawa and our GPS got us totally lost and we ended up in Kemptville. Or at least that is what Jo kept telling her travel companion for the day, Daphne. It really looks like it was an excuse to check out another shop in Kemptville, The Crusty Baker! Lunch; fresh quiche and pear & parsnip soup. The hot chocolate was good but according to Daphne, the apple crumble pie which had her name on it was to die for.  I really have to start finding things that aren’t so hard on the waistline. 😊

A Day for Airports!

Nova Scotia to Ottawa via MONCTON!!! Well this was an adventure! Ended up with 3 hours to kill in the Halifax airport. Man, shopping in airports can get addictive! So instead I checked out the Bia Mara restaurant & bar.  Found a table with a plug-in for the computer and had a good Nova Scotia breakfast; eggs, bacon and fish cakes with toast and relish – Yummy!  then to the Liquid Assets to check out Nova Scotia Spirits, beer and  cider…leave it to Jo. But only ended up with an amazing Chocolate brownie!

Now you know we have been on the downsizing kick – well this was the smallest plane that I have ever been on; well except for the one I parachuted out of in my younger years. When I walked out on the tarmac, I thought how cute is that plane and needed a picture. I asked the first person who walked by me to take a picture, only to find out later that he was the pilot! Now, I have to say I was fascinated by the technology of this little plane – I mean I was looking right in the cock pit. It was so cool to watch them fly the plane.  I am not sure why it was so different in this plane flying in and out of the clouds watching the propellers.  I just found it so mesmerizing, maybe I was just surprised that it could fly!

Moncton Airport; now this was interesting, as the bar and Tim Horton’s was all in the same room. To walk the airport from end to end took about one minute! But my favorite memory was when I was looking for the gate for the Ottawa flight. I finally found someone to help me and I was told that the Ottawa flight departs from this gate but they did not have enough 9’s in the collection to put it up on the board! So, all we knew is that we were to fly in between the flights to Toronto and Montréal.

It was sad to leave Nova Scotia but it was good to be back in Ottawa.

Truro – the Hub of Nova Scotia

Coffee Shoppe Junkie – Yep that is me.  Today we explore Truro, Nova Scotia; apparently it is the “Hub of Nova Scotia”. I had to return the rental car today :(.  Great car – little mishap with a rock chip – that little chip won with a crack in the windshield. I did say I like to support the little guys but that only applies to shopping and food. Not rocks!  (Thank goodness it wasn’t in the RV!)

So, while we were figuring this claim out, we checked out NOVELTEA Bookstore Café – Novel inspired drinks, hand blended teas and coffee roasted in house. This little gem is located in the heart of downtown Truro. Now, Momma Bear is an avid Tim Horton’s customer so it was going to be a challenge to convert her to this quaint little shoppe. But I had her hooked on the idea when the tea was boiling HOT!! The atmosphere was extremely relaxing with unique quilts, pottery, glassware gifts and antique books everywhere (SSH! You were worried that the Librarian was around the corner lol). They boast they have Nova Scotia’s Best Chai tea latte – something to test when Rebekah is with us but they do make a great hot cocoa!

Discover Fundy – the Tidal Bore Viewing Area. Now, if you are in the area and the tide is coming in, it is an interesting thing to see – some of you might think it is a total bore but it is a cool part of nature and the tidal changes.  Also, there is the Trans Canada walking trail nearby for a bike ride or a walk – today’s walk was a lot chillier than our walks down south but it was invigorating to say the least! Lunch – Google “Craft Beer Truro” and you will find The Salty Dog Brewing Company!  Another spot in the heart of downtown Truro (Coincidentally right across the street from the Tea Shop). Darn It was closed, but The Nook and Cranny Brew Pub was open and it served the Salty Dog craft beer! Nan had their fish and said it was great – I wasn’t totally sold on their fish tacos but they do make a good beer. Our favorite was their Blueberry Beer – what better in Nova Scotia but Blueberry Beer!

St. Patty’s Day 2019

So, when the Cats Away the Mice will Play……………A picture is worth a thousand words.  But I will let Steve handle this one alone! …

A little late spring snow frolicking with Max to start the day and then Matthew & I were off to Landsdowne Park in downtown Ottawa for the Beau’s Brewery St. Patrick’s Day Party! Here we met up with a few friends (old & new) and had a great ol’ time. Check out Beau’s video here and you’ll get a very quick overview of what was a fantastic evening!

Wolfville bound!

Did I forget to mention that Acadia University is in Nova Scotia? And my daughter goes to school there …. yep this trip was only about the house hunting! Rented a car and hit the road with Mamma Bear as the navigator and away we go!

Today we had Lunch at “The Port”, A Gastro Pub in Port Williams, Nova Scotia. This little gem is nestled on the Avon river bank and just beside a craft brewery- imagine!  It showcases the bucolic (pleasant pastoral views of the countryside) and the tides and the dykelands. The food was spectacular; a lamb burger to definitely come back again for and a beet salad…. perfection!  Apparently, the pasta dish and burger were good too! Unfortunately, Momma Jo was driving so no beer today but I will be back!!  The atmosphere and service were amazing; all good reasons to return.

We did manage to get Rebekah back to Nan’s for the night and many loads of laundry!!!  But St Patty’s day party take priority over a visit with mom and grandparents so back to Wolfville we go…

This time I checked out a very cute coffee shop called T.A.N. Coffee – (The Alternative Network) a speciality Coffee Shoppe. I feel like I am becoming a coffee shop junky – truth be told I am an anti- Tim’s & Starbuck’s person. I like to support the local little guy.  The atmospheres are usually different and refreshing.  Now I am glad I am not necessarily a coffee drinker because I am not sure how you would choose between 9 different coffees but one thing for sure they make a great cup of dark hot cocoa – try it with Almond Milk!! And a gluten free chocolate macaroon!! – Just another reason to Love Wolfville .

Ottawa Airport to Nova Scotia

Well, house hunting is currently a good reason to head to Nova Scotia. Got a call that there was a perfect little house that just came on the market in Little Dyke Nova Scotia. Momma Jo had to Jump on it! Great excuse to head to Nova Scotia! Coincidently….   Interesting that it was the day before Gramps Birthday.

Airports are a different Creature – I much Prefer the RV.  Well with Time to kill before the flight, one explores the Airport. Can you tell Me why in an Ottawa Airport there was no Ottawa Sens Gear?  The Hudson Bay man in Pajama’s was cute; too bad you needed a mortgage to afford them.  The various shops had everything you could imagine to help the traveler travel more comfortably – neck pillows, magazines earphones, even the cutest roll up slippers – really people; travel lighter!! Also interesting just watching people in an airport; some with every size suitcase and carry-ons you can imagine. Everyone had a different reason to travel where were they going anywhere exotic…..

On the road again; the first stop was an IRVING BIG STOP. If you ever travel through the Maritimes, you should check one of these out – usually really good home cooked food. Now I am with Mom, so no one beats her cooking! – Stopped and had fish taco’s (Safe choice as Mom doesn’t make them!)

Belly Up!! This is one of my dads’ favorite restaurants and it was great to surprise everyone at supper. Now it did have a good beer selection but the food part… oh well.  The company was awesome. Oh yeah, the house hunting did not pan out but a great excuse to explore ….


Another mini-adventure day took us to Kemptville, Ontario as we headed south of the city one more time in search of a place to live. The original downtown core of Kemptville is so cute with its’ yoga studios, bakeries and of course the coffee shops. Our favorite today was Geronimo’s. Their tag line, “Coffee to wake up the dead” says it all. We each enjoyed our coffee (Steve) and hot chocolate (Jo) and both couldn’t resist a brownie! Next time we’ll try out their lunch menu. Jo loved the fact they are housed in one of Kemptville’s heritage buildings dating back to the 1850s. They have filled the sitting area with comfy, period chairs and local artwork. The antique cash register and overall decor bring you back to a simpler time.

Cup of Jo’s

We were only home 3 days and we just couldn’t get that urge to explore out of our system. So off we went for a drive south of Ottawa in search of rental properties. We were now down to just over 2 months before we need to move.

In the little town of Winchester, Ontario we couldn’t resist trying this quaint coffee shop, Cup of Jo’s. One wonders if the name had anything to do with it. This little find was a gem! Good food, nice people, wonderful hot chocolate and an amazing ambiance! We would highly recommend stopping in and, as per their motto, this is a great way to “Escape the Daily Grind”!

Welcome Home

We finally made it back to Ottawa trading white sand for white snow! Instant reality check. After all, it’s only March and we are in Canada, after all! We spent the day digging out the vehicles and finding room for Winnie. Jo actually got her first sunburn of this excursion in our driveway! We had high hopes spring would soon be around the corner but little did we know…

Our first road trip in Winnie was fantastic but… There’s no place like home!

Homeward bound!

What a rude awakening as we left Niagara, enroute home. Momma Jo left Steve behind with Winnie and headed home with Daphne. Now, these 2 have never had the best of luck with weather and today was no exception. An unexpected winter storm swept onto Hwy 401 just past Port Hope producing white-out conditions, closed highways, zero visibility and over a foot of snow in a few hours. The girls sought refuge at the Big Apple, just before Belleville (a 30 minute drive took over 4 hours!). Thank god for a bathroom and great apple fritters!

Messages were sent to Steve: “Stay at Port Hope!!!”. With that, Steve pulled into Port Hope once again but this time correctly pulled into the RV area. Before too long however, the truck parking area overflowed and Winnie was surrounded by the big guys!

Niagara On-the-Lake

We came back this route for Winnie to have her first check-up and address some minor items that we found since delivery. No sense wasting the day in the RV dealership waiting room, let’s go explore!

First stop, shopping at the Outlet Collection at Niagara. Wine tasting at Wine Country Vintners with samples from Trius, Peller Estates, Thirty Bench and No. 99 Wayne Gretzky Estates. Jo sat this one out but fortunately Daphne was a great tasting partner for Steve, as no one likes to drink alone. We also did some shopping…

Finally it was time for lunch and of course Jo’s turn for another flight of local beers! On the recommendation from Karen at the wine shop we headed to the Bricks & Barley Restaurant for wood-fired pizza & craft beer. We shared Daphne’s Wachos (i.e. waffle-fries nachos), Jo’s Veneto (asiago-artichoke based) pizza & Steve’s More Meat pizza. This new restaurant was a great find with amazing food and awesome service!

Canada, Eh!

The local TV channels were advising of an impending snowstorm and we definitely wanted to get ahead of any snow! With the crack of dawn we were up and on the road by 6:22 am. Homeward Bound today and the highway traffic is light! Trying to avoid interstates, we took Hwy 11 North and found this was similar to Hwy 27 through Georgia; double lanes and light traffic!

By 8:50 am we were reaching for the sunglasses as we left the clouds, and the potential storm, behind us. We picked up I-90 below Lake Erie close to the New York state border and kept our eyes peeled for that state’s welcome centre. To our dismay, the nearest welcome centre was in Buffalo! By the time we arrived there, we just wanted to cross the border to Canada. Our first attempt to cross the border at the Whirlpool Bridge, we encountered a “Closed for Construction” and a detour to the Rainbow Bridge. That border crossing was a breeze with a special area for RVs & buses. Best border crossing ever!!!

Canada! There’s no place like home! First stop, Tim Horton’s! Now fueled up with our Timmie’s fix, we’re off to our final stop for the night at the Best Western Plus in Welland, Ontario. Here we crashed on the couch of the hotel room of our good friend, Daphne (aka Ducky). We enjoyed all the comforts of home with a tub for Jo, internet for Steve and free, hot breakfast in the morning!

Interstates galore!

Ohio state line; here we come. Getting out of Pipestem turned out to be a challenge, as Lola sent us on “Scenic Byways” and dirt roads to boot! Once out of those byways, the Interstate was very busy but we needed to make tracks. The Ohio Welcome Centre should have been clue to what was next. No personal “welcome” as there was simply vending machines & pamphlets and no real photo ops.

We found a state park that was opened year round and no reservations required! When we arrived, we realized why. Jefferson Lake State Park may be an ideal summer retreat but not one we’d recommend for a winter stopover. OMG, maybe we should have stayed at that Wal-Mart after all!

Doorless, latrine-style pit toilets and tree debris everywhere was not what we expected. They only plus for this location was the electricity! So we plugged in, turned on the heat and settled in for the night. It was a little creepy (OK, Jo says very creepy!) and we tossed & turned for most of the night.

West Virginia, Take Me Home..

We woke this day to thunderstorms and steady rain and thankfully we didn’t float away! We got on the road late, as we were waiting for a break in the rain which never came. Our destination was Pipestem Resort State Park and with the rain we decided to explore the lodge and the Black Bear Cafe for, you guessed it, another flight of beer!

This was our last stop below the snow line and time for winterizing Winnie before heading further north. Luckily the temps overnight were above freezing and with the rain stopped by morning, we winterized and headed out. This was a sad moment as we realized we were really heading home…

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