In every walk-in nature one receives far more than he seeks.
John Muir
There was a magical and mystical morning fog that hung over the lake in a calmness that I can’t explain. The pristine quiet which gave you a sense of peacefulness. A sense of vastness that had you wondering what more was out there……
Once the fog lifted it was the most picturesque day you can imagine. While exploring Keji, our travels had us checking out the dark tea waters of Mersey River (apparently a historic river too). Biking, even on a board walk – which seems to be common in National Parks. We also watched the canoers leave Jakes Landing, from Whynot Adventures – I so wanted to canoe but my knee was not up for it. A stop at the turtle crossings looking for the endangered Blanding Turtles to no avail. Although while hiking we did see a rare snake and I must say much too close for my liking! We walked the Volunteer Walk of Honour – “Their Trail of Success” and lastly, we were captivated by the sounds of the rushing Mills Falls.
All in all, just what the doctor would ordered! Next year we will check out the Kejimkujik National Park Seaside which is a separate protected wilderness on the Atlantic Coast!