Momma Jo – Chief Cook and Bottle Washer – Navigator Extraordinaire. A recently retired registered nurse and mother of 2 beautiful adult children.
She has a zest for life and adventure, loves to travel, bake and cook. Chocolate is her specialty and hopes to complete a Chocolatier course someday. Photography is her passion, views the world through her lens of the camera as if everything in life has a sense of beauty that should be recorded. Presently enjoying life one kilometer at a time with her best friend and soul mate Steve – husband of 30+ years.

Steve – is a recently retired technical professional looking to take their RV where no person has gone before! He is fun-loving, always looking for an adventure and a “techie” at heart.
He is:
– My technical Junkie,
– My Dynamic Driver Extraordinaire,
– My Editor in Chief of the website,
– My I.T. Department,
– My All-around Handy Man, and
– best of all he is MY best Friend!

Winniefred AKA “Winnie” – is our 2019 Winnebago View 24D. You may think she gets her name from Winnie short for Winnebago but the “Winnie” actually comes from the Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The “Fred” is in remembrance of our dear friend Fred Gillis. Fred had a dream of hitting the road in an RV in his retirement but ALS took Fred from us way too soon.

Lola – is our beloved (sometimes) GPS. She’s a Garmin RV770 and is designed for RVs in that one can identify your width, height and weight, etc. and in theory Lola would map routes that are best for that RV and avoid height restrictions (e.g. low tunnels) or weight restrictions. I say, in theory, because the few times I’ve enabled that mode and ran some route test plans, we were sent quite a roundabout route when their were better options available. She’s also led us down some garden paths or mis-directions and we’ve only been on the road for a short period of time. “Really Lola??”