Living life, one mile at a time!

Tag: Distillery

Distilleries we’ve visited.

Moonshine Lewis’s

I don’t know where I am going from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.

David Bowie

Tennessee Bound today. I am not sure of what it is but there is a lure that has always pointed me towards Tennessee. Is it the landscape? Maybe it’s the country music. Perhaps it is going to Dollywood (not). I know, must be the Moonshine. No, it is the chance to hike in the Great Smoky Mountains!

Today our target is Pigeon Forge, KOA; just out side the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  Pretty well drove straight through for 479 km! The Tennessee Visitor center was the highlight of the drive. Always a photo op with the “Welcome To…” signs. Because we are an RV we always have to park with the trucks; man those things are massive. Winnie looks so small!

Okay we reached our destination for the night. Pigeon Forge – it was definitely not the quiet spot we had thought it was. Man, it is like Niagara Falls on Steroids! Yikes!!

We decided to explore the area. In true Jo and Steve fashion we found ourselves… Yep you guessed it… sampling the vintages at the Mill Bridge Winery. Kevin was our server/host and he tried hard to find a wine or cider that Jo might like; but to no avail. However, he did point us in the direction of a couple of great breweries for our future travels.

Now, the next stop was the Old Forge Distillery. We were here in 2016 and they couldn’t serve us because we did not have our IDs!!! Imagine getting carded at the age of 60! We made sure we had ID tonight. We tried 10 different types of moonshine some of it was really tasty or maybe I lost feeling in my taste buds. Maybe it’s in my blood after all the “Lewis” (Jo’s Mom’s side) have a history of making Moonshine….so the story goes.

All I know I slept well that night and my cold had improved greatly.

South Dundas – The way business should be…

OK, I’ve been baking again!  Time for another day trip.  Today the “and Steve” is in Newfoundland, so our good friend Kim is my accomplice. Our mini road trip took us to Prescott, ON. I really wanted to check out the Newport Bakery and have their Pulled Pork.  Now coincidentally it is located right beside the Windmill Brewery and the Kings Lock Distillery! Imagine that…

We arrived early so we took a walk down to see the windmill from the historic 1838 Battle of the Windmill.  Today it was closed but for you history buffs there is a number to call to have someone open it. However, there are some plaques that explain what happened here.

The Newport Bakery & BBQ was almost another disappointment…… Now this was our second time attempting to eat here and we had just drove an hour to check this out!  Last time they ran out of pulled pork and today they had no buns. Maybe I am not meant to eat here! We ended up trying the pulled pork on a taco shell. Very messy, but at least we can check that off our list.

Now next stop was the Windmill Brewery where we tried the 1838 Pilsner and the Barracks Black. Yep-only the two samples. Behind the next door is the Kings Lock Distillery. Their philosophy is “Live Life in small Batches”. Interesting place – took a private tour learned a lot about vodka vs. rum and moonshine. The owner Rob, was so nice and very informative. There were many types of distilled spirits to sample – even a garlic vodka; apparently good to cook with – no thanks – I will stick to beer!  Rob then suggested that we visit a few other small businesses in the area, so off we went.

Next stop, Dentz Berry Farm for freshly picked Strawberries – these were awesome.  Then recommendation number 2 the Upper Canada Creamy – Biemond fresh curds and cheese and organic natural yogurt. Really nice family-operated farm and dairy.

Now what goes well with cheese but wine! On the recommendation of Biemond we headed a little east to the Stone Crop Winery. By Now Kim is running out of steam, but being a great sport we tried a few wines here. The 2016 Frontenac Gris/Vidal (White), a 2018 Frigio Reisling (White), then a 2017-Frontenac Noir-Cabernet Franc (Red), and lastly the 2016 Fronenac Noir-Cabernet Sauvignon. I have to say this was the cheapest stop at a winery that I have ever done. Hmmm… Maybe because Steve wasn’t here and I don’t like wine.

The thing that impressed me the most was that these individual little business support and recommend each other – that is that way business should be done.

Forty Mile Creek

Well, we stayed the night in the Sicard RV Parking Lot and got pleasantly awoken by the sounds of tractors at 6am. At least the night was quiet. So, day 2 of the Warranty Checkup. Now, Jo loved the 6 am start; Steve not so much (lol). Off to the Beamer Memorial Conservation Area for a hike and to find the falls.

The area had 6 km of trails that in some places were not so well marked! The trails traversed along the Niagara Escarpment and the 40 Mile Creek and it was only upon reaching the bottom did we find the trail map and legend for this Bruce Trail. Here we went in search of the Beamer Falls. The 40 Mile creek offered some very nice views but the top falls were spectacular; which we almost missed. But with determination and perseverance we found them!!

This hike inspired us to check out the Forty Creek Distillery. You should know us by now – we really should get our livers checked when we go home!!

The distillery allowed us to try 4 samples each for free so together we tried 8 different tastings – 4 different Whiskeys, (some aged in Canadian Oak barrels), 1 whisky cream (look out Bailey’s!), a brandy, a rum (here we come Captain!) and a maple liquor. They were also very generous with their samples. Needless to say, we needed to have a picnic in the yard before we hit the road. This was a fun stop; the bartenders were great and knowledgeable and everyone had to laugh when Jo made her sour puss face – I told you she is a beer girl!! Ok, now onward to Wheatley Provincial Park which is just out side of Point Pelee National Park.  Two things we learned here in a really short time; 1) provincial parks in Ontario have become very expensive!!! and 2) this area had a lot of rain this spring! We drove around for a long time after check-in looking for high ground before we found a site dry enough to park Winnie.  Rain, Rain, Rain and then some more Rain! I don’t remember the last time I seen this much rain. Man, Wheatley was wet!!!

Key West – 48 Hours in 8!

Today’s destination brings us to the southernmost location in the USA and Steve’s ultimate goal for this trip. Buckle up, here we go!

Key West offered great memories, as we ate local cuisine, dipped our toes in the Caribbean, saw the “Key” highlights, put over 14 kms on our weary feet and, of course, had a few drinks at many local spots!

In order we hit;

  • Moose Lodge (for parking),
  • Tourist Info (location closing due to Google),
  • Veterans Memorial Gardens (not initially on the list but Steve had to take that call & Momma Jo walked wrong direction),
  • Back on planned route (did you know there’s free range chickens everywhere?),
  • Ernest Hemingway house (we didn’t pay the US$28 to enter),
  • Photo op at Key West Lighthouse museum (Jo wondered why the Lighthouse was in the middle of town!),
  • Southernmost Point, Buoy, House, Pier & Beach,
  • El Sibnoey Restaurant (we would highly recommend the excellent Cuban food! – #33 of 200 on Trip Advisor),
  • Duval Street (nice during the day and expect it gets wild at night!),
  • Oldest House in Key West museum (free to enter),
  • Mile Zero of Hwy US 1,
  • First Flight Brewery (southernmost microbrewery in USA),
  • Mallory Square (seems to made for the cruise ships),
  • Sloppy Joe’s (just had to try Sloppy Joe Ale & (hard) Lemonade),
  • Hemingway Rum Distillery (Pillar Rum tastings),
  • Key West First Legal Rum Distillery (more rum tasting!),
  • Key West Winery (I know, mixing our liquor isn’t good),
  • Historic Harbour Walk (accidentally due to wrong turn) ,
  • Finally Key Lime Pie! – Kermit’s Key West Pie Shoppe (confirmed with a few locals we met as the best in Key West),
  • But one more stop was the hidden gem of the Waterfront Brewing Co (thank goodness we had to leave before Happy Hour or we would’ve spent the night!).

The Overseas Highway

Our first stop along this 110 mile Overseas Highway was at the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park just inside Key Largo for a brief beach walk, aquarium tour & a short hike. Unfortunately, we didn’t get to spend much time here, as it is all about exploring the underwater world however our timing with the scheduled tours just didn’t align.

Now it’s vacation time! In Momma Jo’s mind, it’s not a vacation until you have hit a local craft brewery. And to hit 2 in one day, was a touch of heaven.

We stopped first at the Florida Keys Brewing Co. where Clain, the bartender, was quite the host even letting us behind the bar for a photo op. Just a 1/4 mile back up the road was the Islamorada Distillery & Beer Co. This broke Steve’s rule of never backtracking, but in the end it was well worth it. Here we had Mikey as our bartender who took good care of Jo while Steve had some run tastings of his own just next door. Now, we were still driving so Steve was very limited in his beer & rum intake!

We also stopped at Robbie’s Marina to watch the hustle & bustle of the crowds at this very busy tourist stop. It’s not what one would expect at a marina in that there were markets, many small vendors with their food & souvenirs, a large restaurant & bar, Tarpon Feeding (at a cost) and the normal watercraft rentals. We took it all in from a beach bench and didn’t spend a nickel.

We stopped at a few other photo ops along the way before arriving at Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge. We were fortunate to get the last “rustic” (i.e. unserviced & gravel) site, which will be our home for the next 2 nights as we will be heading Key West tomorrow. Steve has found online a “Key West in 48 Hours” trip which we will be trying to fit into an 8-hour day! Note: Momma Jo is rolling her eyes.

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