Today is a double post day as I felt Rebekah’s 19th birthday deserved a post of its own.

Breakfast at the Gingerbread Inn Bed and Breakfast. The hosts Brigette and Beat Schmid were kind enough to let us have Rebekah down for breakfast too. So, after her day of studies we hit a few places she wanted to be able to go into and order legally on her own.  First stop NSLC to stock up! Second stop; Annapolis Cider Company for a classic flight with corn nuts. She was kind of disappointed that no one carded her…maybe they recognized her face!!  Next Stop the Port Pub & Bistro – Ocean Blue Cocktail at Happy hour – Yes, they asked for ID!!! Scallops, fish cakes and Crème Brule. How does it get better than this?!

Happy Birthday Rebekah!