Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

SAM levenson

One definition of Travel is to go from one place to another….

Synonyms of the word Travel are move, proceed, progress, advance…

Therefore Moving is sort of Travel. Might not be the most fun type of travel but it is another adventure

Ok, whatever it takes to motivate myself to move from my amazing house in Greely to a smaller rental house in Barrhaven. Now I have to keep telling myself that this is for only 365 days; I can do it!  This is our temporary residence till we figure out what our next move is.

Trust me I would rather be in my RV. There is so much involved in moving and I feel like we were a good candidate for Hoarders Are Us.  The key to moving is one day at a time and just keep moving. Just think we will be doing this again with in the next year!! Yippee