There are two gifts we should give our children one is roots and the other is wings.

anonymous “wise woman”

It’s that time of year again; to take Rebekah back to Acadia – man that four months went by way too quick! So we loaded up the camper, filled the new trailer and headed east.  This is our eight or ninth trip down east this summer but this one was so different. It is sort of sad and exciting all at the same time. For the people who say this empty nest is a breeze, I am not sure if they are taking anything but it is not fun at all. We stopped in Levis, Quebec at the Costco to stock up on a few essentials. Sangria, coolers, beer you know. (it is a lot cheaper in Quebec than in Nova Scotia) That is from the mouth of a true student!  Camped tonight at the municipal campground in Rivière-du-Loup and met up with a few friends for supper. The next day, we had our routine stop at Covered Bridge Chips, where they know me by name!

Next stop, Ikea. It is every student’s best friend (not my pocket book though!) but we loaded up on furniture; a desk, a bed frame, storage options, and lamps. Then off to Wolfville, NS to set up the new apartment. We put together a ton of Ikea furniture and still like each other, if you know what I mean, lol. This is Rebekah’s first apartment and first time being on her own. It’s time to give her some wings to fly. I know she has roots and will always find her way home.