On the Go with Momma Jo & Steve

Living life, one mile at a time!

Sale Day – Home is Where the Family Is

Hi folks, Steve is posting today, as this is our final day in our home in Greely. It’s been a wonderful 14 years here and will always be remembered as the home our children grew up in. Momma Jo found this wonderful location back in the spring of 2005 on Grapevine.ca for sale by owner. It was love at first sight and things fell into place that August, thanks in a large part to the relationship Jo built up with the previous owners.

Needless to say this was a rough day for all of us and especially for Jo. We will always have wonderful memories of our times here and will now take those with us to our new home in Nova Scotia.

Happy Mother’s Day!

I am a firm believer that the most important gift you can give someone is the gift if time. So, for Mothers day I asked my family to sit around a campfire with me, eat pizza, make smores, drink cold beer and reminisce about times past.

I don’t know what it is about sitting around a campfire with family and friends. Is it the warmth or the ambiance of the flames? Is it the fun of roasting hot dogs to making spider dogs on a stick? Is it toasting marshmallows and trying not to burn them, or having the melted chocolate and marshmallows ooze out of the graham crackers when you take that first bite of the smore? Is it having to lick the chocolate and marshmallows off your fingers? Is it the storytelling or laughter from someone’s jokes?  Is it reminiscing of times past? Is it staring at the white stars against the dark skies? Is it having your friends and family share in this moment? Or maybe, just maybe,  it is all of it!


How does it get any better than this?!

Moving Day!

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

SAM levenson

One definition of Travel is to go from one place to another….

Synonyms of the word Travel are move, proceed, progress, advance…

Therefore Moving is sort of Travel. Might not be the most fun type of travel but it is another adventure

Ok, whatever it takes to motivate myself to move from my amazing house in Greely to a smaller rental house in Barrhaven. Now I have to keep telling myself that this is for only 365 days; I can do it!  This is our temporary residence till we figure out what our next move is.

Trust me I would rather be in my RV. There is so much involved in moving and I feel like we were a good candidate for Hoarders Are Us.  The key to moving is one day at a time and just keep moving. Just think we will be doing this again with in the next year!! Yippee


The Best education I have ever received was through travel.


Ever since I was small, I always had “Wanderlust” – the strong desire for or impulse to travel and explore the world. It is not something that can be taught, it’s like it is part of your genetic make up like a “T” (Travel) chromosome and is just inherent in some people.  I had always hoped that with all the traveling we took our kids on, that we could instill this impulse or desire to travel within our children.  I have always found that travelling has given us a great education and appreciation into places, people, food and cultures.  One of the things that would make us proud is to see that our children have also developed a sense of Wanderlust.

So, as you can see with this post, – our son Matthew and his girlfriend Krystal have the travel bug and took their second trip to Europe; this time to explore Germany.  Their travels took them to these sights plus many more….

  • Von Trapp Family Home and Gardens, Salzburg, Austria
  • View Overlooking Salzburg & Biking in Salzburg, Austria
  • Charles Bridge, Prague Czech Republic
  • Romantic Road – route in Mottingen, Harburg Germany
  • Neuschwanstein Castle southwestern Bavaria, Germany
  • Dancing House Prague, Czechia (Fred & Ginger) – Prague capital of Czech Republic

They also enjoyed local cuisine and drinks, including but not limited to;

  • A Weisswurst – Traditional Bavarian Sausage (White Sausage) (definitely not their favorite)
  • Beire at HB – Hofbräuhaus- München – World’s most famous tavern!
  •  Bier und ein Bretzel – (Pretzel and of course Beer!)
  • Schnitzel

Matthew has definitely caught our travel bug!


Adventure is the best way to learn.


Today’s adventure has us going to a small village called Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. It is located on the Northumberland Strait, fairly close to Truro (the hub of Nova Scotia). We are checking out property and houses in the area.  We have started to look at land and the possibility to build a house, as we haven’t found anything for sale that we really like. We checked out land in New Glasgow, on the Brule Shore, Brule Point, Malagash, Seafoam, Sand Point and Barrachois Cove.  All fairly close to the town of Tatamagouche.

You may be wondering how looking for land has us ending up in a brewing company.  Well, we decided to check out the area/town to see if it had all the amenities one would need, and there is a sign that says BEER-is calling you. Now, it would be just rude not to answer so we went in and checked it out at the Tatamagouche Brewing Co. This family owned and operated microbrewery is in the heart of town and it won the Atlantic Canadian Brewery of the Year in 2018!  So…….  one had to check it out and it was it was “Pure TATAMAGOODNESS”. We didn’t get a chance to see any more of the town this day, as we needed to get back to Momma Bears for supper. And you know we will be back.

Annapolis Valley

You must go on an adventure to find out where you truly belong

Susan Fitzmaurice

Well, today’s adventure has us picking up Beck and going on a little road trip to check out a house in Margaretsville – a rural community in Annapolis County, on the bay of Fundy.  Apparently, population 212. This used to be a very busy port during the 1900s, but now very, very quiet.  There is a lighthouse, which was once believed to be on our 5-cent stamp in 1967, a wharf which is no longer deemed a necessity, and apparently a small art store which was closed today (it not yet being tourist season). The house we checked out was amazing with a million-dollar view of the bay and access to the beach with two waterfalls. Of course, we had to explore that!

As you know, adventure is not only about the scenery but about the restaurants you find and the food you can experience. Today’s culinary journey took us back to Port William to a new place “The Noodle Guy” … which was rated number 1 by the Curated Magazine – it serves “Artisanal Pasta for the Valley”. So, pasta and a number 1 rating means we need to check it out! We had the “Shells” – with zippy local sausage in a creamy wine, chipotle & asiago sauce; the “Ravioli of the Day “ which was Mushroom Sage and Sausage & the “Noodle Guy Stir Fry”. All dishes were very reasonable prices and amazing flavors – we wanted to lick the plate; if only we were home!

After a long walk on the dyke path we headed to the Church Brewing Company for a beer.  It is a brewery, a restaurant and a concert venue all in one. Remember “Brew Good, Do Good”! This newly renovated church into a pub has become a great success in Wolfville, Nova Scotia. The place was packed, but we managed to get a chair at the bar. It is really good to see that a beautiful historical church like this one is still a place for people to congregate with friends and family; a place to make great memories. Jenna, the bartender, was fabulous! We wanted to drink Nova Scotia craft beer as we always try and support the local but their own brew was not quite ready yet.  So, we drank the following craft beer – Amarzen Grace from Big Spruce Brewing, the Pineapple Wheat from Heritage Brewing Co, Dekorum from Tatamagouche Brewing Co, and the Que Onda (Tequila Barrel Aged Gose) also from Big Spruce Brewing. All Nova Scotia beer!! We really should get our livers checked after all this beer!

One last stop before heading back to the Gingerbread Inn. La Torta – Woodfired Pizzeria – the Carne Trio (mozzarella, local chorizo, Italian sausage, andouille & fresh parmesan) for Steve and the Tuscan (goat cheese, sun dried tomatoes, artichokes olives and roasted garlic) for Jo. It was great being the only people in the place, as the cook gave Jo a great tutorial on how to make a perfect pizza! And perfect pizza it was!!!

How does it get better that this?

Sticky Toffee French Toast

Well believe it or not we are headed down to Acadia to pick up Rebekah, as she is just finishing her first year of university. Yep, another road trip. The weather through Québec was awful. Freezing Rain and SNOW!!!  It’s the 16th of April where is SPRING???

We persevered. Our goal was to hit Fredericton and have fun at the Delta, as Steve still had a few free hotel stays to use up.  The nice thing about this is that they upgraded us to a suite. The Westmoreland Suite, suite 417 – a very large one bed room suite – this gave us access to the cocktail bar for free munchies!  And Momma Jo was in her glory as Chef Chris Taylor was making Fresh Sticky Toffee French toast with Flambéed sauce. She actually got a private lesson on how to make this…. Gordon Ramsey Eat your heart out! It was so cool to have a private cooking lesson and it was delicious too!

Steve’s experience in the lounge wasn’t as positive, as while the food was free, the alcohol not so much … Really Steve? a $13 glass of wine!!

The second part of our journey had us on the Glooscap Trail in Nova Scotia to check out houses in River Herbert, Nine Mile River, and Fox Harbor. We even checked out this really nice place with a spectacular view – Diligent Harbor has beautiful scenery for sure. The resting spot tonight was Debert, Nova Scotia at Momma Bears – “Food and Family Fun” – Amazing home cooked meals, good family atmosphere and loads of laughter. It is so good to be home!

To Pack or Not to Pack, that is the question…

We left the boxes behind and went for a drive. Destination Almonte; a small-town west of Ottawa. We heard there were new subdivisions being built that had some nice bungalow designs to check out.

Our first stop had us run into the CHEO bear. Steve has always been a huge supporter of the CHEO campaign and actually dressed up as the CHEO bear once for a fund raiser. So of course, this was a photo op!!  

Well, our first pass through the model homes gave us some great ideas for a house that we would want, but not located here – Nope Not here! The prices were insane and the lot sizes way too small. We got really spoiled living out in Greely.  Ok, this is depressing let’s go explore the little town.  

Spring run off overflowing the dam with thunderous sounding water flow certainly describes the dam situation in Almonte. The river is extremely high this year! Yikes I definitely would not want to be on the water!!

Heirloom Café and Bistro“World Class dining in small town Ontario:” Well World class dining …Ok let’s give it a try!  We met up with our good friends Daphne and Trent to check out this Bistro Out.  This little gem is located in a restored heritage building at the bottom of Mill Street in Almonte. We lucked in to getting the last table – very busy spot – if you ever want to check it out, reservations might be in order.  We tried their specials Mac & Cheese with kale and bacon, the Lamb Burger and the Soup of the Day which was Top Shelf Gin, Ginger and Carrot soup.  Had a local beer from Stalwart Brewing Company and finished it all off with a more than Decadent Peanut Butter and Dark Chocolate Ganache Tart. Now, I am not a food critic by any means but this food was excellent. The flavor profiles were exquisite. (I have to stop watching Master Chef!) The food was great and the company was a lot of fun.  Remember: How does it get better than this?

It’s A Dog’s Life

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.

Rodger A Caras

Well, my humans have been home for 6 days now, and have managed to stay focused on finding a place to live and pack. How very boring for me! So today they took me on our first little adventure in some time.

Wow! This place smells so good! It’s like there’s hundreds, thousands of other animals around. Whoppee! It’s the nice woman with the white coat and tons of treats! She’s talks so nice to me and gives me a treat every time I do what she asks!

Off to a great start with my weight being good for my age. Feeling good! Oh, oh! She’s putting that where?? Not again! No treat is worth that but they do taste so good!

Well, that was fun, for the most part. Off now to check out the new Greely Foodland store. No dogs allowed! What gives? Looks nice from out here but not a lot of smells.

They must be really bored or procrastinating big time! Why else dress me up in glasses? Time for kissess!!! Maybe I can get some more treats!

Oh well, it’s a dog’s life after all.

PS. They left me alone again, as Mom is off to some Music Trivia event and Dad with the Greely Lions. I’d really like to meet those pussy cats!

Exploring Grand Pré

Well the sun is shinning again – got to love Wolfville. Today we started with a walk around the Acadia Campus and checked out the K.C. Irving Environmental Science Centre and the Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens. This building is spectacular inside and out.  Just the entry way with the gigantic columns make you appreciate the architecture. The Grand Hall where the students were studying is massive and bright, the research facilities and green house in the back was informative and interesting. The things the students were researching gives hope for a brighter future for our environment. Then a walk around the Botanical Gardens even now at the end of Winter was enjoyable! We checked out other habitats including the Walled Garden, the Medicinal and Food Garden and lastly the Conservatory. One can just imagine how spectacular this would be in the spring or summer! Will definitely check this out when we bring Rebekah back in the late summer.

Grand-Pré National Historic Site – Canada’s 16th World Heritage Site (2012). This monument commemorates the history of the Acadian people. The building was closed but we did have the opportunity to walk the grounds. Of course, also to take pictures of the statue of Evangeline and the iconic memorial church.

We also ventured a little further down to the road to the Grand Pré Beach, definitely not the day for a swim but some nice views of the basin and Cape Blomidon, a great time for rock collecting and Kodak moments for those of you who remember Kodak!

Bad Apple Brewhouse is our next stop! We had the “core” flight, with the Mosaic DIPA, the Black Currant Cider and Brett Pear Cider. However, not on tap was our favourite was the Cranberry Cider. Nevertheless, we did purchase the “Mosaic Double IPA” (in honor of their son Hunter who has Mosaic Down Syndrome) as it has all of its profits are donated to sending kids with special needs to Camp Brigadoon. We were also impressed with the fact that the owners were staffing employees with “all abilities” so that all feel included. Last stop for the day was to participate in the Burgers Wars (a fundraiser for Campaign for Kids). Or last stop was at the Church Brewing Company and their Holy Smokes Burger – with a slogan “Brew Good, Do Good” – How can one go wrong?…More on this place in a latter blog!

Out of Order

Today’s goal was to check out Halls Harbour.  In the summer this is a very picturesque busy little stop. But today not so much. All the little businesses are closed but we still had access to the harbour. It was a very cold and windy day; waters were a little rough and the waves were loud and crashing into the shoreline. Not necessarily the most relaxing sound. The wind coming off the ocean was a rude awakening to what the fisherman sometimes have to put up with. God love them for that! Definitely not something I would want to do. It is different to see the boats and all the traps on the side of the harbor. At least you know these fishermen are safe today.

We headed more inland in the search of Berwick and a bathroom. Now, for miles we felt that we were lost and the thought of turning back did come about but we kept going forward. I was ready to stop the car and go on the side of the road in a farmer’s field! (Men definitely have the advantage in this situation!) At last a gas station in the distance!  Nova Scotia’s version of Corner Gas. The pumps looked all closed up but we did check it out – scary little place, Bathroom Out of Order……OH NO!!, Breathe Jo! The lovely lady behind the counter said sign was to keep the men and the workers down the road from making a mess in her bathroom! (Now the ladies have the advantage!) We were so grateful we bought two big bags of Covered Bridge chips. Felt obligated to buy something, and besides we know a few University kids who would gobble them up in a minute.

Berwick…Found It… what a cute little town! Found this adorable little shop “Market between the Mountains-General Store”. Filled with locally made products, bees wax candles and melts, woolen products, dryer balls, beach glass paintings and more!! Knowing that I am moving is great reason not to buy anything. Whew, I Showed some restraint, but Daphne on the other hand …… 

Next stop North Mountain Fine Coffees – Remember support the locals. Kids are done school for the day so time to head back. A stop at Annapolis Cider company to celebrate Rebekah’s birthday together. I have to say the signature flight for $5 with the three different flavours is the way to go – “the classic” is just that, a classic! Nice and crisp. But for something different we tried the Hopped Pear all very refreshing. I mean we are in the valley – one needs to have the apple cider right!! And they have a tractor for kids big and little for photo ops. How does it get better than this?!

Happy 19th Birthday Rebekah!

Today is a double post day as I felt Rebekah’s 19th birthday deserved a post of its own.

Breakfast at the Gingerbread Inn Bed and Breakfast. The hosts Brigette and Beat Schmid were kind enough to let us have Rebekah down for breakfast too. So, after her day of studies we hit a few places she wanted to be able to go into and order legally on her own.  First stop NSLC to stock up! Second stop; Annapolis Cider Company for a classic flight with corn nuts. She was kind of disappointed that no one carded her…maybe they recognized her face!!  Next Stop the Port Pub & Bistro – Ocean Blue Cocktail at Happy hour – Yes, they asked for ID!!! Scallops, fish cakes and Crème Brule. How does it get better than this?!

Happy Birthday Rebekah!

Road Trip!

Yes, another road trip to Nova Scotia. This time by car with the final destination being Acadia University. My driver this time was Daphne (Momma Duck).  Well, every time the two of us take a road trip we manage to find the worst weather imaginable! Freezing rain! Ugg!

We made it as far as Woodstock, NB Best Western where they know us now!! Anyway, we talked about Irving Big stops earlier and Murrays Restaurant at the Irving Big stop in Woodstock was no exception. Man, they make great roast beef dinners. And the Fries! A mountain of Fries! Well we are in the French Fry Capital of the world after all, you got to love those McCains!!

Now, before we actually hit Wolfville, NS we stopped for a very good home cooked dinner at Jo’s Mom & Dad’s, aka “Momma Bears”. This one was free!  Did some shopping at the Glooscap trading post for baby moccasins – looking for local native hand-crafted moccasins only to find out they were made in the Dominican Republic!  Oh well, we did try to support local!

Weather is an interesting beast. Driving through Quebec and New Brunswick all you could see is SNOW!!!  But when we hit Wolfville it was warm and a sense of Spring was in the air!  +15-degree weather!!!!  We actually sat out on the deck and had a drink, went for a walk on the trail and found a great Greek Restaurant called TROY. We tried their pita and fresh made hummus,  Lamb Burger and Lamb Shish Platter and Chicken Kabobs. Jo’s only disappointment was the lamb burger. But having supper with the kids was the definitely highlight of the day!!

Coffee Break

Now, being retired, the words coffee break have a different meaning than when you were in the 9-5 rat race. It allows us the opportunity to adventure and check out unique places like the Café Cristal. A place where you can go to relax …not just refuel. When you Google this it says “The Counter-serve spot with Whimsical décor providing tea and coffee along with crepes & pastries”.

Who could resist “Whimsical Décor!” and pastries too?   So first up the décor, I loved it!  Not sure, but it gave me a mix of vibes.  The crystal chandeliers and fine bone china tea pots and cups made you feel like a taste of Britain at High Tea. The antique style mirrors, light scones, crystal oil lamps, and the crystal clock on the mantel gave you a romantic era feeling.  The ordering counter with the crepe pans and that glass pastry cupboard filled with beautiful pastries and rainbow covered macaroons definitely made you feel like you were in a Paris Café.

We indulged in a ham and cheese crepe and of course a brownie!  I would definitely recommend this little gem located in a Barrhaven office building. Don’t let the outside dissuade you from visiting as it was definitely a treasure inside.

Ottawa Home Show

Let’s get this show on the road. For people looking for a new place to live and of course trying hard to procrastinate from packing, we thought “why not check out the Ottawa Home show?”.  Now, one thing for sure is that one can have fun everywhere they go – it is just how you approach it.  We got free tickets from our awesome real estate agent, Monica Haddow, and we went along with our friends, Daphne and Trent.

Spring was in the air with the gardens, the tulips & the green shrubs. Oh man, it felt good to see some color other than white (snow)! We checked out house plans, floor plans, beds, gutters, garlic and ginger presses, veggie peelers, home made pepperoni, candied apples, walked the foot assessment plate for orthotics and much more. We even checked out air-conditioners; you know for when that next season eventually comes around. It was fun to feel like spring was in the air!

We decide to end our day and Wet our whistle with a stop at the Perth Brewery stand – “Wet your Thistle!”  for a cold beer. A “Last Duel Lager” and an “Oh Canada Maple Ale”. Did you notice that all of our adventures end up finding a craft brewery?!

How does it get better than this?

Keep Calm and Carry On!

Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful,
we must carry it with us or we will find it not.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

A tiny hint of spring was in the air the river was starting to thaw- there is hope that the Winter will soon be over!  I found this was such a beautiful site!

OK; still on the hunt for a possible place to live – I headed back to Kemptville, Ontario. Maybe I would have better luck looking in Kemptville, Nova Scotia!

Actually, we headed south of Ottawa and our GPS got us totally lost and we ended up in Kemptville. Or at least that is what Jo kept telling her travel companion for the day, Daphne. It really looks like it was an excuse to check out another shop in Kemptville, The Crusty Baker! Lunch; fresh quiche and pear & parsnip soup. The hot chocolate was good but according to Daphne, the apple crumble pie which had her name on it was to die for.  I really have to start finding things that aren’t so hard on the waistline. 😊

A Day for Airports!

Nova Scotia to Ottawa via MONCTON!!! Well this was an adventure! Ended up with 3 hours to kill in the Halifax airport. Man, shopping in airports can get addictive! So instead I checked out the Bia Mara restaurant & bar.  Found a table with a plug-in for the computer and had a good Nova Scotia breakfast; eggs, bacon and fish cakes with toast and relish – Yummy!  then to the Liquid Assets to check out Nova Scotia Spirits, beer and  cider…leave it to Jo. But only ended up with an amazing Chocolate brownie!

Now you know we have been on the downsizing kick – well this was the smallest plane that I have ever been on; well except for the one I parachuted out of in my younger years. When I walked out on the tarmac, I thought how cute is that plane and needed a picture. I asked the first person who walked by me to take a picture, only to find out later that he was the pilot! Now, I have to say I was fascinated by the technology of this little plane – I mean I was looking right in the cock pit. It was so cool to watch them fly the plane.  I am not sure why it was so different in this plane flying in and out of the clouds watching the propellers.  I just found it so mesmerizing, maybe I was just surprised that it could fly!

Moncton Airport; now this was interesting, as the bar and Tim Horton’s was all in the same room. To walk the airport from end to end took about one minute! But my favorite memory was when I was looking for the gate for the Ottawa flight. I finally found someone to help me and I was told that the Ottawa flight departs from this gate but they did not have enough 9’s in the collection to put it up on the board! So, all we knew is that we were to fly in between the flights to Toronto and Montréal.

It was sad to leave Nova Scotia but it was good to be back in Ottawa.

Truro – the Hub of Nova Scotia

Coffee Shoppe Junkie – Yep that is me.  Today we explore Truro, Nova Scotia; apparently it is the “Hub of Nova Scotia”. I had to return the rental car today :(.  Great car – little mishap with a rock chip – that little chip won with a crack in the windshield. I did say I like to support the little guys but that only applies to shopping and food. Not rocks!  (Thank goodness it wasn’t in the RV!)

So, while we were figuring this claim out, we checked out NOVELTEA Bookstore Café – Novel inspired drinks, hand blended teas and coffee roasted in house. This little gem is located in the heart of downtown Truro. Now, Momma Bear is an avid Tim Horton’s customer so it was going to be a challenge to convert her to this quaint little shoppe. But I had her hooked on the idea when the tea was boiling HOT!! The atmosphere was extremely relaxing with unique quilts, pottery, glassware gifts and antique books everywhere (SSH! You were worried that the Librarian was around the corner lol). They boast they have Nova Scotia’s Best Chai tea latte – something to test when Rebekah is with us but they do make a great hot cocoa!

Discover Fundy – the Tidal Bore Viewing Area. Now, if you are in the area and the tide is coming in, it is an interesting thing to see – some of you might think it is a total bore but it is a cool part of nature and the tidal changes.  Also, there is the Trans Canada walking trail nearby for a bike ride or a walk – today’s walk was a lot chillier than our walks down south but it was invigorating to say the least! Lunch – Google “Craft Beer Truro” and you will find The Salty Dog Brewing Company!  Another spot in the heart of downtown Truro (Coincidentally right across the street from the Tea Shop). Darn It was closed, but The Nook and Cranny Brew Pub was open and it served the Salty Dog craft beer! Nan had their fish and said it was great – I wasn’t totally sold on their fish tacos but they do make a good beer. Our favorite was their Blueberry Beer – what better in Nova Scotia but Blueberry Beer!

St. Patty’s Day 2019

So, when the Cats Away the Mice will Play……………A picture is worth a thousand words.  But I will let Steve handle this one alone! …

A little late spring snow frolicking with Max to start the day and then Matthew & I were off to Landsdowne Park in downtown Ottawa for the Beau’s Brewery St. Patrick’s Day Party! Here we met up with a few friends (old & new) and had a great ol’ time. Check out Beau’s video here and you’ll get a very quick overview of what was a fantastic evening!

Wolfville bound!

Did I forget to mention that Acadia University is in Nova Scotia? And my daughter goes to school there …. yep this trip was only about the house hunting! Rented a car and hit the road with Mamma Bear as the navigator and away we go!

Today we had Lunch at “The Port”, A Gastro Pub in Port Williams, Nova Scotia. This little gem is nestled on the Avon river bank and just beside a craft brewery- imagine!  It showcases the bucolic (pleasant pastoral views of the countryside) and the tides and the dykelands. The food was spectacular; a lamb burger to definitely come back again for and a beet salad…. perfection!  Apparently, the pasta dish and burger were good too! Unfortunately, Momma Jo was driving so no beer today but I will be back!!  The atmosphere and service were amazing; all good reasons to return.

We did manage to get Rebekah back to Nan’s for the night and many loads of laundry!!!  But St Patty’s day party take priority over a visit with mom and grandparents so back to Wolfville we go…

This time I checked out a very cute coffee shop called T.A.N. Coffee – (The Alternative Network) a speciality Coffee Shoppe. I feel like I am becoming a coffee shop junky – truth be told I am an anti- Tim’s & Starbuck’s person. I like to support the local little guy.  The atmospheres are usually different and refreshing.  Now I am glad I am not necessarily a coffee drinker because I am not sure how you would choose between 9 different coffees but one thing for sure they make a great cup of dark hot cocoa – try it with Almond Milk!! And a gluten free chocolate macaroon!! – Just another reason to Love Wolfville .

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